Dog Bites

If you, your child, or a loved one has been injured by a dog, you can pursue damages.  Dog owners are “strictly liable” by statute in California when a dog bites someone and causes injury.  Owners can also be liable for negligence and violation of leash laws.

After being attacked by a dog, pursue prompt medical attention.  You should also try to preserve evidence by taking photos and staying organized with copies of receipts and medical records.  You will need to determine who owns the dog, get contact information from witnesses, and report the incident to police and/or animal control.

Getting legal advice and retaining an attorney can prevent the dog owner’s insurance company from taking advantage of you or your loved one.  All too often, insurance adjustors try to get recorded statements and start manipulating the narrative.  A fast settlement may sound appealing, but you may be compromising your rights.

Law Office of James K. Moore, Inc. has experience handling dog bite claims and helping people pursue the maximum recovery possible.  Injuries from a dog attack can leave permanent scarring and extreme emotional damage.  Treatment of scars by a cosmetic surgeon can be expensive and take many months of treatment.  If your injury requires such treatment, we will fight to make sure you get compensated.

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